Good luck with your sub!! :)

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Jun 11Liked by Kayla Stark

This is so helpful and insightful! Thank you, Kayla and Meg. And good luck with your revision!!

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Thank you! Fingers crossed this is the last revision for a bit!

And I'm so glad the post was helpful! 🙌 Long projects really take a toll ha!

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A really helpful and interesting insight. Thank for this! 👌

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Of course! I'm glad it was helpful!

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Loved reading this as I procrastinate cleaning up scans! 🫠

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Haha! Happy to be of service! 🫡

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Great interview Kayla and Meg! And fingers crossed so tight for you on sub -- you got this!

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Thank you!! Crossing fingers and pressing thumbs that this next round is the ONE!

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You got this!!!!!

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