What a week you've had!!

I'm gonna try the co-working thing, sounds very interesting

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What an intense week. After all that, you can totally get the next draft finished! I feel very behind schedule with my project and need to get my booty in a coworking group STAT.

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Kayla, I'm laughing because I used to work at Dose all the time! (Well if you are talking about the one right by Sylvan Park, the neighborhood I used to live in--and where I frequently had to shelter in place for tornado warnings.) And this is a great reminder that I need to figure out how to get set up as a vendor for Seattle Public Schools! 😬 (Yikes! But better to investigate now, rather than waiting!)

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I wish I had any artist/illustrator friends I could co-work with (or co-art with as I also have a regular boring daytime job)! What a great way to get some work and socialising done at the same time

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We all deserve sick days, even the self employed, so dont worry if you have one or two weeks on your calendar you can rest and recover.

when I lived in a tornado area the nearest shelter was a school across the street , so I had my gobag ready (think a glamping trip or night at a friends house) and also my clothes: big jeans to jump in fast, comfy hiking boots , a huge comfy hoodie for a quick dressup (that was already inside a frogg toggs rainjacket, and my bicycle helmet was strapped to my bag.

thank you for sharing this adventure, your drawings are really helpful for someone to understand what is like.

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